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There are a variety of ways to give to the school.  However, if you prefer your donation be used for a specific purpose, here are a few options for you to consider.

The St. Joseph Fund 

This annual fund is unrestricted and is used to cover some operating expenses and other projects for the school.  This fund is our highest priority.


A nationwide initiative which occurs on #GivingTuesday which is on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  

Goal Scholarship

A dollar for dollar tax credit for your donation to our school.

Grandparent Lend-A-Hand

An opportunity for our grandparents to lend a hand and help provide media center and technology improvements.

Alumni Cougar Pride Fund

It allows alumni to give back to the school that helped to establish their foundation of success.

"Never Give Up" Scholarship Fund

Provides scholarships for middle school students with a heart for service.

The Lisa Moon Fund for the Arts

Provides funding for the performing arts at SJCS.

Rusell E. Hoffman Scholarship Fund

Provide scholarships for students in need of assistance in intermediate and middle school. Students with a deep commitment to our Catholic Faith and service to others.  

The Angel Fund

Provide emergency tuition assistance to families in need due to unexpected life-changing events.

Padre Alberto Hurtado SJ Scholarship Fund

Provide scholarships for Hispanic/Latino students in need of assistance in middle school. Students with a deep commitment to our Catholic Faith and service to others.   

Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe Scholarship Fund

Provide scholarships for Hispanic/Latino students in need of financial assistance. Students with a deep commitment to our Catholic Faith.

Legacy Giving

Provides funding for the school through estate planning. 

Other Ways to Give

Discover ways to contribute - whether it's box top labels or Amazon Smile you can help us grow. These contributions really add up!

Tax ID number:  58-0665896 - St. Joseph Catholic School is a 501 (c)(3) organization. See your tax adviser about requirements for donation tax deductions

For questions, please contact: 

Mrs. Nora Wintrow            
Business Director
770-428-3328 ext. 125