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Student Success Team (SST)

At St. Joseph Catholic School, we have developed a Student Success Team (SST) to ensure students' success. The purpose of the SST is to assist with additional resources and strategies in order to help students to reach their full potential. 

All students in our school have the opportunity to learn. We have a multidisciplinary team ready to assist with our students' academic, social, and emotional needs.

Our team includes a guidance counselor, a learning specialist, a speech and language pathologist, a reading specialist and resource teacher and a full-time nurse.  

The Counseling Department at St. Joseph Catholic School functions as a student and teacher support system. The guidance counselor assists teachers and students by working as a team to remove any barriers to learning that may exist for the student. The guidance counselor works with students individually, and in small groups, to provide instruction in areas such as social skills, conflict resolution, study skills, and organizational skills. In addition, the guidance counselor works alongside the teachers to offer age-appropriate guidance instruction.

The school offers the services of a professional Learning Specialist and a Speech and Language Pathologist. These highly trained specialists work with our students who are experiencing difficulty in school with our academic program. Using research-based materials, services are offered to students in a one-on-one setting or small group setting. Additionally, these professionals provide classroom teachers with alternate strategies and teaching methods in order to help students master the curriculum.